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Zoekresultaten voor “2nd Sunday of Easter”

Divine Mercy feast in the Cathedral church
overweging_preek - zondag, 16 april 2023
The 2nd sunday of Easter is Mercy-Sunday, which is celebrated in a special way in the shrine of Heiloo (where bishop Jozef Punt celebrated the dutch Divine Mercy feast) and in the cathedral church in Haarlem where the English spoken Divine Mercy Feast was celebrated. A beautiful day about God's mercy that we encounter in a special way in the sacrament of penance, confession. Here is why you should not hesitate to go to confession.

Divine mercy feast in the cathedral church
overweging_preek - zondag, 24 april 2022
On sunday the 24th of april we celebrated the Divine Mercy Feast in our cathedral with the English speaking community. It was organised by the Divine Mercy Apostolate Holland and the Filippino-English community of Laren, but there were faithful from all parts of the country. It was nice to celebrate this beautiful occasion again with so many people!

overweging_preek - zondag, 8 april 2018
The 2nd Sunday of Easter was named Sunday of the Divine Mercy by saint pope John Paul II. We celebrated a beautiful Divine mercy-feast in the Cathedral basilica of St. Bavo in Haarlem, organised by the Divine Mercy Apostolate and attended by many English speaking Faithful

overweging_preek - zondag, 27 april 2014
In een volle Sint Joseph kerk in Zaandam heb ik de Zondag van de Goddelijke Barm­hartig­heid mogen vieren met de Filip­pijnse gemeen­schap en heel wat Neder­landers. De viering begon rond 13.00 uur met uit­stel­ling en biecht­gelegen­heid, waarvan zeer velen gebruikt maakten. Natuurlijk werd bijzonder de nieuwe heilige paus Johannes Paulus II herdacht.